If you know me at all you know that I have always wanted a blue wall in my home. That is how I've always gauged "my home." The theory is: I'd be able to paint a wall in my house blue, once its my house, once I know I have my home.
Its been years since my last blue wall - well not even a wall back then, but a couple closet doors. That's because it was at my mom's house, not mine, but at least it was my room.
But then I met Chad - a member of the military - and sadly enough, finally home-front stability in sight. Since I've met him, I've lived in 3 places, 11 months in Vista, 9 months in Oceanside and now looking forward to a WONDERFUL 3 full years in Silverdale, WA. Now, I know things can change at any moment, but for now, I am going to relish in the possibility of being at the same address for 3 whole years. So much in fact, that Chad let me paint one of our walls blue - not so much BLUE as cornflower/slate mix, but as close as I wanted to get without a mortgage.
So here, finally I get to show off our hard work, our remodeling of sorts! Our blue wall, Chad's and mine, our home.
Ahh.... you could have your bedroom blue....