The Global Bean Coffee Trader is located right here in Silverdale, a mere 7 minutes from my house. Its located in a weird area, taking up half of the bottom floor of a rather professional looking office building, adjacent to a gym.Not where you'd expect to find a funky coffee shop, full of coffee smells, arguing coffee addicts and a loud band almost every night.
I've been there twice now, on a Friday and Thursday night - both nights there was a three piece band playing - one playing fun folky music, the other more of a jam session where the owner joined in. It's always been crowded - to the point of having to stand for 20 minutes before a seat opened up - but the ambiance makes it kinda ok.
The coffee - its amazing. Literally, the best cup of coffee I've gotten in a shop. I was scared when I first looked at the menu - there are no prices, no sizes offered, and only the most basic of combinations listed. Usually, that equals expensive, hoity toity, insider coffee.... and this case was no exception... a 12 oz, sugar free, non-fat, low foam, caramel latte put me back $4.50... about a dollar higher than anywhere else. But holy goodness, I would have paid more. The coffee is delicious, smooth, freaking wonderful. And once you buy a "special" coffee, normal coffee is only $0.78 - and not just the crap out of a carafe, nope, I wanted decaf so the barista french pressed me a cup. This coffee was so premium that my usual 10-20-70 sugar-cream-coffee ratio was sloughed off for just a packet of sugar.
So if you're feeling mellow but looking to get out of the house (on the cheap) The Global Bean would be a great destination. As long as its not a Tuesday, you can expect music, a packed house and a delicious cup of Joe.
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